A picture is worth a thousand words, but we don't have to stop there! Learn about how visual poetry can be used to convey your message.
This workshop will introduce students to concepts behind assemblage and collage, but will further push the envelope by incorporating poetry and poetic devices. We will touch on concepts like juxtaposition, background/foreground, warmth and coolness, mood, brevity, etc. Students will utilize magazine clippings, exacto knives, scissors, Mod-Podge, paint, and scrapbook paper, and leave with a complete piece of visual poetry.
Attendees may either bring a poem to draw from, or craft a short poem during the class. Students are encouraged to bring a pencil and notebook in which they will write their poem, as well as any small pieces of paper, knick-knacks or other items they would like to include in their visual poem.
Age 13+ (Under 18 must be accompanied by an adult)