Join us for snacks and drinks followed by a lecture on Andy Warhol! Actors will join us to bring the art to life in front of you!
SMASH Sacred Masterpiece Art Society House is a brand new art group in Kingsport! The Inventor Center and the SMASH Art Curator are collaborating to provide an ART ALIVE: Andy Warhol Experience. Actors from the Kingsport Theater Group will be representing Warhol bringing to life the art appreciation discussion. Warhol Fine Art pieces will be on display along with some local art inspired by Warhol.
We will discuss details about Andrew Warholla aka Andy Warhol including:
• His life and alter-ego.
• His Art
• His lifestyle and social circle
• His artistic influence in the world and state of his pieces today
• Of course! We will explain why he painted the soup can.
Adult subject matter will be discussed so participants should be mindful of bringing those under 18.
Door prizes and raffle. Light faire and beverages will be provided.